How to Pass Road Driving for Your CDL Road Test!
The most important key to passing your CDL test, including the road driving portion of your exam, as the attached video promotes, is to find a good CDL driving academy. A proven and respected CDL driving academy will help ensure that you have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take and pass your CDL and successfully begin your trucking career.
Almost as important as what drivers should do during the exam is what drivers are not permitted to do. In other words, four distinct mistakes will result in an automatic failure of the driving portion of your CDL exam.
The first fatal error for drivers taking their CDL is stalling the vehicle. If the truck stalls at any point during the exam, the driver will not be permitted to pass the driving section.
Other mistakes that will cause drivers to automatically fail their CDL are contact with curbs and going through a yellow light that turns red while any part of the truck remains in the intersection. The other major no-no for drivers is rollbacks. If the truck experiences any backward movement when on an incline, it will qualify as an automatic failure. So, avoid the big mistakes and apply what you have learned from your CDL driving academy, and take the first steps to beginning your trucking career.